Wild Roof, 2 poems from Nothing But, March 2021
Snowflakes in a Blizzard online interview around Interval, winter 2021
Featured poet with poems & interview, The Inflectionist Review, June 2020
Open Mic of the Air, May 2020 at minute 22:20
"Saturn" on Beat Night, April 7, 2020
Extensive resource for New England poetry-related news: Brilliant Light
Nashua, NH Library Reading Radar—ABF book recommendations June 2019
Full Bleed, a Journal of Art & Design from MD Institute College of Art, "Circuitry," Spring 2019
Inflectionist Review #8, April 2019
Book Notes, NH State Library
McNeese Review, Winter 2019
Quiddity International Literary Journal, December 2018. Listen to this poem (apologies about the name spelling in the beginning—for radio program): Alice B Fogel—Your Decision
Cold Mountain Review Includes audio reading of "Don't Forgive the Dam." December 2018
Interview on WOMR Provincetown, MA with Neil Silberblatt, January 2018
"Odyssey," poem in Cider Press Review, October 2017
Blogger Tracy Lee Karner Rittmueller features Strange Terrain with a lovely review, "Why Poetry Matters," April 2017
NHPR's 10-minute "Writers' Workshop" interview with Virginia Prescott
Interview on NHPR's Bookshelf with Peter Biello for A Doubtful House, April 2017. This transcript is not complete; you can listen to the full 10 minutes on the link on that page.
Blogger Kory Shrum, poem, September 2016
Green Mountains Review, 3 poems, June 2016
Sabotage Reviews, review of Interval, February 2016
Interview on NHPR to promote Poets Showcase: An Anthology of NH Poets, which I edited with Sidney Hall; January 2016
Review in The Literary Review, Mark Gurarie, January 2016
DIAGRAM, poem, 2015
Brattleboro (VT) Literary Festival, October 2015, reading with VT Poet Laureate Chard deNiord
HCAM-TV, Worcester, MA Interview with Elizabeth Lund, November 2015
Hey, look, you can order Interval in Japanese, here.
Video of Variation 9: Potter from Interval
Interview with Josh Moyse, director of stage version of Interval on WKVT, 100.3 FM, Green Mountain Mornings show, June 18, 2015.
The Inflectionist Review
Interview on NH Public Radio’s “Word of Mouth,” May 12, 2015 (at around 12 min. in)
Interview/Article by Joseph Marcello in Greenfield, MA Recorder about the theatre production of Interval. June 17, 2015.
Valley News on INTERVAL
Valley News on "The Mystery of Poetry"
Largehearted Boy--a blog on music and literature. Details on INTERVAL. Posted April 3, 2015. This is also featured on Spotify, here.
Talisman, winter 2015
Alice’s other life: www.LyricCouture.com
Harbor Mountain Press: www.harbormountainpress.org
Small Press Distribution (to order Be That Empty or Strange Terrain): www.spdbooks.org
Hobblebush Books.
Schaffner Press -- Books of social relevance for discerning readers.
Guest post, Dec. 2013, on art blog Gwarlingo, on “how to not ‘get’ poetry + Jennifer Militello’s new book, Body Thesaurus: http://www.gwarlingo.com/2013/the-sunday-poem-alice-fogel-on-how-to-not-get-poetry/
Poetry prompts, tips, news, from the blog of Diane Lockward.
Poets & Writers Directory: www.pw.org
Find New England artists & performers, & venues: Creative Ground
Want inspiration from all the arts? Sign up for the Gwarlingo newsletter.
Author interview, Amoskeag Journal, Fall 2013. http://amoskeagjournal.com/2013/10/28/author-spotlight-alice-b-fogel/
New Hampshire Humanities Council (What is NH Reading & Humanities To Go programs led by ABF & others): www.nhhc.org
NH Poet Laureate site with archived featured poet/poems: www.nh.gov/nharts/artsandartists/poetshowcase/poetlaureate15.html and http://www.nh.gov/nharts/artsandartists/poetshowcase2/poetlaureate21.html
Ozone Park, Fall 2011, ABF poem: http://www.ozoneparkjournal.org/Fall_2011.html#Kitchen
No Tell Motel, archiving 2 sets of ABF poems: www.notellmotel.org
Best American Poetry, online: http://blog.bestamericanpoetry.com/the_best_american_poetry/2010/09/reb-livingston-presents-a-poem-by-alice-b-fogel.html
NY State Literary Website, for booking writers in NY; my page: http://www.nyslittree.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/DB.PersonDetail/PersonPK/814.cfm.
Music & Musings: Broadly Eclectic at wool.fm radio.

NH / VT Connecticut River watershed photos by Jake Edson, Mariah Edson, Ragna Surges & ABF.
Photos of unusual signs: If you have any, send them to me for my collection.

from Hornby Island, 1974, by Sammy Sammy
(Thanks to Theo in Paris)

You’re in Range:

Holy Patriots
(Thanks to Lisa Steinberg)

Thanks to alert readers Abby & Dave M.
for this sign from a Chicago store:

From India:

From Rebecca Lloyd, Bristol, England:

From Scotland, via Jake Edson:

(Thanks to Scott Sparling)

#2195 in the Litograph “Alice in Wonderland” literary tattoo chain, this sentence says, “And he got up very sulkily and crossed over to the other side of the court.” Photo by Ellen Friedman.

FOR SALE SIGN (Seen in Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico):

Somerville, MA:

Important message from Berkeley, CA:

First this, in the middle of the woods:

Then this:

Church-Pop Culture Punning: